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Algiers accuses UAE of hostile acts without offering evidence

Algeria’s conspiracy theorists continue on a ridiculous trajectory taking aim this time at the UAE, whom they accused of hostile acts including supplying spy technology to Morocco and working together with Israel in the region.

The Algerian military junta used Al khabar newspaper as a mouthpiece this time to spread the uncorroborated accusation against Abu Dhabi.

The newspaper, citing unnamed sources, accused the UAE of lobbying for normal ties with Israel in the region by pressuring Mauritania to normalize ties with Tel Aviv.

“The hate campaigns by the UAE’s regime took an official character that is beyond reason and that could sap official ties between the two countries due to the impact and scale of the hostile acts against Algeria led by Emirati officials who supplied Morocco with a potent spy software to be used against Algeria,” said Al Khabar.

In a military dictatorship, the press has been muzzled in Algeria and was reduced to a mouthpiece parroting the regime and expressing its stands on regional issues.

The newspaper went on to blame the UAE for simmering havoc in the Sahel and dumping the country with drugs, without offering whatsoever evidence.

Algeria’s conspiracy theories have usually centered on France, Morocco and Israel but it seems now that the UAE is added to the list as the regime seeks scapegoats to pin its woes on.

Last June 20, Ennahar, another media outlet controlled by the military rulers in Algeria, said the country asked the ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to leave the country after busting four Emirati spies working for the Mossad.

The news was later dismissed as a fake by the foreign ministry and the communication minister was sacked as a scapegoat later, the same evening.

The real reason however for the worsening ties between Abu Dhabi and Algiers are to be found in the growing relations between the UAE and Morocco at the defense cooperation level.

The scale of the use of conspiracy theories in Algeria has extended to blame Israel for wildfires and Morocco for the demise of Algerian diplomacy as it receives blow after blow.

The latest blow came from what was supposed to be its ally: Moscow, which gave Algiers a cold shower by refusing to invite the Polisario militias to an Africa-Russia summit.

As the diplomatic and economic failure accentuates, so will the resort to conspiracy theories in Algeria.

Source: The North Africa Post