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Morocco Condemns Israel’s Bombing of Headquarters of Qatari Committee for Reconstruction

Morocco has condemned Israel’s continued aggression in Gaza, notably the bombing of the headquarters of the Qatari Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza.

Morocco’s Foreign Affairs Minister Nasser Bourita reiterated the country’s condemnation of Israel’s merciless and unrelenting targeting of civilian infrastructure in Gaza, stressing “strong concerns” about the increasing, alarming toll of Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza.

“There is, of course, strong concern about what is happening, particularly the loss of human lives among civilians due to the Israel;s actions in the Gaza Strip, the latest of which is the bombing of the headquarters of the Qatari Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza, which the Kingdom of Morocco denounces,” Bourita said during a press conference with Peter Szijjarto, the top Hungarian diplomat.

Bourita also recalled King Mohammed VI’s appeal for urgent and concrete de-escalation and cessation of the Israeli military aggression to achieve a lasting and verifiable ceasefire to ensure the protection of civilians so that they are no longer targeted.

“Without a political perspective, the region will remain in a phase of crisis management with its share of tensions, violence, and counter-violence,” the minister said, noting that the international community, especially influential countries, must move beyond their current state of indifference to or silence over the continued murder of defenseless Palestinian children and women.

Earlier this month, the Moroccan foreign ministry renewed its profound dismay and concerns over the murderous Israeli campaign in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

In a statement, the ministry condemned the “ineffectiveness of influential countries” in putting an end to the devastating situation in Gaza.

These countries’ failure to stop the murderous campaign in Gaza, the ministry lamented, is a disturbing signal of the potential “expansion of conflict within Palestinian territories and the dangerous spread of violence into neighboring regions, threatening the overall security and stability of the region.”

Source: Moroccoworldnews