Home » Nuclear Project to Supply 7 Percent of Egypt’s Electricity
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Nuclear Project to Supply 7 Percent of Egypt’s Electricity

Egypt’s 4,800 megawatt (MW) El-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant (El-Dabaa NPP) project will supply nearly 7 percennt of the Arab country’s electricity demand when it is completed in 2028, the head of Egypt’s nuclear authority was reported on Thursday as saying.

“Dabaa nuclear power station will supply Egypt with nearly 7% of its electricity when it is connected to the general power network,” Amjad Al-Wakil, Chairman of the Nuclear Power Plants Authority (NPPA) told Egypt’s Addustour newspaper.

Wakil said NPAA has completed surveys of a number of possible sites for more nuclear reactors in Egypt as part of plans to expand renewables in the energy mix.

Source: Zawya