Home » President Sisi Fulfills Request of Palestinian Child Injured in Israeli Shelling to Receive Treatment in Egypt
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President Sisi Fulfills Request of Palestinian Child Injured in Israeli Shelling to Receive Treatment in Egypt

President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi instructed Thursday the transfer of a Palestinian child, facing the risk of leg amputation due to Israeli shelling and stuck at Rafah Border Crossing, to an Egyptian hospital for medical treatment, fulfilling the boy’s call for help from the Egyptian people.

Chief of the Egyptian Red Crescent Khaled Zayed stated that four aid jets landed in Arish International Airport Monday upping the total, since October 12, to 118 that carried 2,900 tons of various supplies.

One of the jets came from Saudi Arabia bringing 33 tons of food and tents. The other came from Kuwait carrying 30 tons of food, medical supplies, generators, solar-powered fridges, and solar power generators. The third, loaded with 47 tons of food and school supplies, is Danish. And, the fourth flew 26 tons of medicines from the UAE.

Al Qahera News reported Sunday that 70 aid trucks and 20 ambulances were preparing to enter Gaza Strip, while 400 dual nationals had gathered to cross into Egypt through Rafah Border Crossing.

The Palestine Red Crescent society (PRCS) announced Tuesday receiving 81 humanitarian aid trucks from the Egyptian Red Crescent.

That brought the total number of trucks that had entered Gaza Strip since October 21 to 650, averaging around 36 trucks daily, the PRCS said in a statement. It is noted that the contribution of Egypt has amounted to 6,945 tons of aid.

The aid delivered included food, water, relief aid, medical equipment and medications, the PRCS said, adding that Israel had not yet allowed the entry of fuel to the Strip.

A batch of Palestinians holding other nationalities, consisting of 400, arrived at Egypt’s Rafah Border Crossing on November 2 one day after the entry of 335, as reported by Extra News.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs had announced that Egypt was ready to help 7,000 dual nationals, carrying 60 different nationalities, leave Gaza Strip through Egyptian airports by letting them in through Rafah Crossing.

Source: Egypt Today