Home » Shoukry Stresses Egypt’s Rejection of Attempts to Displace Gaza Residents
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Shoukry Stresses Egypt’s Rejection of Attempts to Displace Gaza Residents

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry stressed Egypt’s categorical rejection of all attempts to forcibly displace Palestinians either within or outside the Gaza Strip, calling for sustainable and sufficient delivery of humanitarian and relief aid to the enclave.

Shoukry made the remarks during a phone call that he received on Tuesday from Japanese Foreign Minister Yōko Kamikawa, as they discussed the latest developments in the Israeli-besieged enclave, said Spokesman for the Foreign Ministry Ahmed Abu Zeid.

The spokesman added that Kamikawa briefed Shoukry on talks of the G7 foreign ministers about the situation in Gaza, reviewing her country’s position on the crisis.

In this regard, the Egyptian foreign minister reiterated Egypt’s call for international parties to assume their humanitarian and legal responsibilities towards stopping Israeli attacks against Palestinian civilians, adopting clear positions towards the gross Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights and working to stop the killing of civilians, especially women and children, who represent more than 70 percent of the victims in the encalve.

The Japanese foreign minister lauded Egypt’s role in containing the aftermath of the crisis and delivering the necessary humanitarian aid to the strip, in addition to evacuating foreign nationals.

Shoukry also emphasized Egypt’s outright rejection of the Israeli policy of collective punishment that goes against the provisions of international law and international humanitarian law, criticizing the double standards exhibited by some countries that refrain from condemning Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights while adopting different positions on other armed conflicts.

The two ministers highlighted international moves aimed at averting the expansion the of conflict into a regional war, where Shoukry affirmed Egypt’s keenness to continue coordination with Japan in the coming period, especially in light of Japan’s important and influential international role.

Source: Egyptindependent