Brad Pitt and George Clooney stepped out looking better than ever on the set of their new movie “Wolves” in New York City. The 59-year-old...
In between filming Dune, drinking Aperol spritzes, and spearheading the Free The Nipple movement, Florence Pugh has also been working on something a little...
Could Anya Taylor-Joy have followed in the footsteps of Chrissy Teigen, Lea Michele and Emily Ratajkowski (to name just three) and undergone one of the most...
While it was “Naatu Naatu” that made a lot of noise with its Oscars nomination, another song “Applause” from the film “Tell it Like a Woman” is also competing...
Singer-actress Rita Ora has finally confirmed her marriage to actor-writer-filmmaker Taika Waititi. The couple married a few months back but kept the news...